Dear Mr. Minich,
I would like to commend your company and specifically, Carol Sanborn. She has accomplished a feat we thought could not be done. Our local paper, the Houston Chronicle, ran a series of articles on the Social Security Department and their reluctance to approve a majority of claims for disability that came into their office. The articles stated that Houston was the leading office in the U.S. to disapprove these claims. Carol knew what had to be done to get this claim approved and did just that in record time.
My husband, Charles, is battling a very serious brain cancer and has to be able to channel all his energies toward recovering from this disease. The idea of filling out all those forms and having to battle the bureaucracy was so overwhelming. It is very energy draining for someone in his condition. Carol’s extensive knowledge of the Social Security system allowed him to worry less about all those details.
Thank you for being their in our time of need.