Dear Mr. Minich:
The purpose of this letter is to express to you, your BTS Group and its personnel, particularly Carol Sanborn, my earnest and deep appreciation for the superb handling of my Social Security Disability Claim.
Initially when my insurance company suggested the services of your firm, I decided to do so in spite of what seemed to me some grave and negative factors in my case. Consequently, I was quite pessimistic about this effort. I knew my cardiological evaluation show no compelling disability, and that my prognosis for Coronary Artery Disease was very good. In addition, my thirty year experience with mental illness and its stigma (better now than thirty years ago) led me to believe that a claim based in whole or in part on psychiatric disability would be most difficult to demonstrate and document. It seemed a long shot to me. All I knew for certain was that I no longer had the capacity for gainful employment in any field of endeavor.
However, Carol Sanborn showed great understanding and optimism from the beginning. She reassured me several times that she would pursue every option throughout the process and its several stages which she described to me in detail. Her pleasant personality, consistent optimism; her obvious knowledge and skills were a blessing to me; and, as you know, ultimately won approval at the first level–an award which I never expected on the first try. I cannot commend her enough. As CEO, you certainly run an outstanding firm. Once again, many, many thanks.