Social Security is a federal program but portions of the Social Security process is handled by each individual state. Rules vary from state to state but all operate under a general federal umbrella. Let’s talk about how to get disability in Missouri.
How To Get Disability In Missouri
The disability process begins with an application for benefits. This application can be completed on paper, online or over the phone with a Social Security employee. If you are planning on applying in person or over the phone be prepared for long wait times as the offices are very busy. Even if you go into the local office you will likely be rescheduled for another day up to a month in the future. It is best to apply online if possible as this will allow you work on the application in parts over a few days and can keep the application from becoming overwhelming. You will need to know the names, addresses, phone numbers of the doctors you have seen the date you saw them and what medication was prescribed.
Once your application is submitted, Social Security will review your case to confirm your citizenship, work history, that your not wanted by the law, or pending removal from the country, etc. The next step is for your case to be assigned to Disability Determinations, a state agency, who will request your medical records and make a disability determination on your case. This office may send you for examinations with one of their doctors. They will pay for this examination if it is needed.
Less than a third of Social Security applications are approved at this initial level. Should you be denied, you will have to file an appeal asking for a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge within 60 days. In Missouri your case will be transferred to the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR). It may take a year or more before you are actually scheduled to appear at a hearing with the judge.
Request a hearing and be patient! Learning how to get disability in Missouri takes time. The delay in getting in front of the judge works in your favor as it allows you to review your medical records, to better understand your diagnosis, and prepare your argument as to why you can’t work. Work with your doctor to establish your limits in the medical records and work on the reason you can’t go back to any type of work. To be approved under age 50 you have to be unable to do any type of work not just that you know how to do or have done in the past. If over 50 the focus is more on why you can’t do work like you have done in the past.
Don’t give up on your claim! Many claims are approved at the judge level as they consider many more factors in determining disability than the initial decision. A experienced representative, like those at BTS Group, Inc. can greatly improve your chances of getting approved both initially and at the judge’s level as we know what the program is looking for and how to best argue your limitations. Please call us at 866-441-4287 to learn about our services or to further discuss how to get disability in Missouri.
Keep reading if you are interested in learning more about how to fight disability denial.