Before you can receive Social Security disability benefits (even if you undoubtedly, indubitably, undeniably deserve them), you will have to complete numerous forms and questionnaires. The paperwork, while taxing, will help the Social Security Administration (SSA) understand you, your disability, and how your disability has affected your work life. If you’re currently completing the Activities of Daily Living questionnaire, you’re in the right place! Today we’re discussing the purpose of this form, what questions will be asked of you, and how the SSA examiner will use the questionnaire. Ready to get started? Scroll down to learn more about the Activities of Daily Living questionnaire.
Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire
When you complete the Activities of Daily Living questionnaire, you’re helping the SSA understand your disability and evaluate its severity. The questionnaire lists common daily activities, like grocery shopping, dressing, driving, cleaning, bathing, and (you guessed it!) going to work. You might be asked what you do on an average day, how you prepare/obtain food, and if you require assistance from others to bathe or dress. Your responses will help the SSA learn what tasks you are capable of doing in spite of your physical or mental limitations, as well as what tasks you are now unable to perform.
Using this information to gauge the severity of your condition, the SSA will decide if you’re capable of performing the duties required by your current occupation as well as other possible jobs.
As we’ve already mentioned, the SSA examiner will use the questionnaire to understand the nature of your disability and its effect on your work life. Since the examiner has not and will not meet you in person, the questionnaire is essential if the examiner is to truly understand your situation.
If you weren’t aware, you probably won’t be the only one completing the questionnaire! Most examiners also ask for a third-party contact (chosen by you) to complete the questionnaire, reflecting on your disability and symptoms.
The third-party contact will give their perspective on your abilities and limitations, granting the examiner another angle with which to view your disability and its affect on your life. Be sure to pick someone who is honest, understanding, and able to stick to a deadline. They should also be very familiar with you and your life.
Give your reference person a call before they are contacted by the SSA, to let them know that they may be contacted and to discuss your application with them. Don’t assume that your reference fully understands the extent of your disability; discuss your symptoms with them beforehand just in case.
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If you’re having trouble with the Activities of Daily Living questionnaire, contact BTS Group, Inc. Our disability representatives would be happy to help you apply for Social Security disability benefits, build your case, monitor your case status, and ultimately win the disability benefits you deserve. Click here to contact us and receive a free case evaluation.
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